



发布时间:2016-12-27   美国SSAT考试真题如下,希望大家加强练习:

  1. An instrument store gives a 10% discount to all students off the original cost of aninstrument. During a back to school sale an additional 15% is taken off the discounted price. Julie, a student at the local high school, purchases a flute for $306. How much did it originally cost?

  A. $325

  B. $375

  C. $400

  D. $408

  E. $425

  2. If y(x-1)=z then x=

  A. y-z

  B. z/y + 1

  C. y(z-1)

  D. z(y-1)

  E. 1-zy

  3. Which of the following values is NOT equal to 34(58+9)?

  A. 34 x 67

  B. 58(34+9)

  C. 34 x 58 + 34 x 9

  D. 1,972 + 306

  E. (9 + 58) 34

  4. Two angles of a triangle measure 15° and 85 °. What is the measure for the third angle?

  A. 50°

  B. 55°

  C. 60°

  D. 80°

  E. 90°

  5. If 5 ounces is equal to 140 grams, then 2 pounds of ground meat is equal to how many grams?

  A. 863

  B. 878

  C. 896

  D. 915

  E. 932

  6. Which year did the most children take swimming lessons?

  A. 1990

  B. 1991

  C. 1992

  D. 1994

  E. 1995

  7. Between which year did the largest decrease in children taking swimming lessons occur?

  A. 1990-1991

  B. 1991-1992

  C. 1992-1993

  D. 1993-1994

  E. 1994-1995

  8. What was the average number of children taking swim lessons from 1990 to 1995?

  A. 250

  B. 308

  C. 385

  D. 450

  E. 1,850

  9. Which of the following is equal to 5.93 x 10-2?

  A. 0.0593

  B. 0.00593

  C. 593

  D. 5930

  E. 59300

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